Own Your Change

Own Your Change is a savings account that helps you conveniently save—one cent at a time! It's like putting your spare change in a jar, but without the jar… With our Own Your Change Savings account, your purchases with your Telhio debit card—a cup of coffee here, a bag of groceries there—can add up to big savings for you.
PLUS: Get a generous 3% interest ( 3.04% APY) for the first $500 you save, and then regular savings rates for anything over $500. How's that for an incentive to Own Your Change?!
How it Works
Enroll in the program, and when you make everyday purchases, we'll round up the total cost to the nearest dollar amount and then transfer the difference from your checking to your savings each day. It adds up quickly.
To participate, you need to have a Telhio checking account, savings account, and debit card. If you don't have one of these, we can help you sign up when you enroll.
Your Purchase
Item Cost
Rounded to
Transferred to Your Savings
Your Purchase
Cup of Coffee
Item Cost
Rounded to
Transferred to Your Savings
Your Purchase
Tank of Gas
Item Cost
Rounded to
Transferred to Your Savings
Your Purchase
Item Cost
Rounded to
Transferred to Your Savings
Your Purchase
Item Cost
Rounded to
Transferred to Your Savings
- When you opt-in to our Own Your Change Savings Account, we round up the amount of any debit card purchase made by you or a joint owner of your checking account to the next whole dollar amount, and transfer the amount in excess of the purchase price from your checking account to your Own Your Change Savings Account.
- We aggregate the round-up from purchases that post to your checking account each business day and make a single transfer (the "Own Your Change" transfer) at the end of the business day.
- If on a business day you do not have sufficient available funds in your checking account, or if any transaction has overdrawn your checking account, we do not round up purchases posted on that business day and we cancel the Own Your Change transfer for that day.
- If your debit card purchase is subsequently canceled or reversed, the corresponding Own Your Change transfer will remain in the savings account.
- We or you may cancel the Own Your Change service at any time.
- Own Your Change is available only on a debit card linked to your Telhio checking account.
Please note: Business Accounts are not eligible for Own Your Change Savings Accounts.
APY= Annual Percentage Rate. Rate subject to change without notice. 3.04% APY paid on accounts up to $500, accounts greater than $500 will be subject to the standard savings account posted rate. Debit card transactions must be signature-based (credit) to receive the round up. Telhio may cancel this service at any time.