Changes To Your Columbus Metro Credit Card
Important Notice
As of September 2022, you would have received a new Telhio Credit Union Visa Platinum Select Rewards card with a new Account number. This replaced your current Columbus Metro Credit Union card. Payments on your Telhio Credit Card should be made here.
Please note: This change to service will only affect Columbus Metro credit cards. Columbus Metro Home Equity Lines of Credit (Rediline) will not be affected and should be paid using the link below.

Frequently Asked Questions
Why is my account changing?
The issuer of your account has been changed to Elan Financial Services. With this change you will be able to take advantage of:
- Exceptional Value - Enjoy the financial freedom you desire, with the added benefit of no annual fee.
- Continued Superior Service - Responsive, helpful, and prompt service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week when you contact Cardmember Service.
- Online Access - view statements.
- Reliable Fraud Protection - You're protected from fraudulent use of your card or account information, so you won't be held responsible for any unauthorized purchases. Elan Financial Services provides zero fraud liability for unauthorized transactions. Cardmember must notify Cardmember Service promptly of any unauthorized use. Certain conditions and limitations may apply.
When can I start using my new credit card?
As soon as you receive your new credit card, call to activate it and begin using it right away. Your new card
will be mailed by 9/2/22.
When should I stop using my current card?
As soon as you receive your new one, that mailed by 9/2/22. Remember to destroy your old card.
Will my payment date change?
Your payment due date may change. If you wish to select a new payment due date, you can contact
Cardmember Service once you receive your first statement from Elan.
Will my credit limit change?
You will continue to enjoy the same credit limit on your new card. Your credit limit will be shown on the card
mailer that will arrive with your new card.
Can I request a new Credit Limit?
You can call Cardmember Service 24/7 at the number on the back of your new card to apply for a credit line
increase at any time.
How do I request a PIN to access my account?
PINs may be requested once you receive your new credit card by contacting Cardmember Service. The
phone number will be listed on the back of the card.
My card expires the same month as I am scheduled to receive my new one. What should I do?
You will receive your new card before your current one expires.
I have not received my new card.
If you do not receive your new card in early September, please contact Cardmember Service, 24/7, at 1-800-558-3424 to request a replacement card.
My current card no longer works?
Your current card will no longer work as of 9/15/22, regardless of the expiration date shown on your card.
What will happen to my current balance?
All balances will transfer automatically to your new credit card account.
When will my previous credit card insurance expire?
Your current insurance program will expire as of 9/15/22.
Will my credit card account number change?
Yes, you will have a new credit card Account number.
Do I need to update my account number anywhere (recurring payments; bill pay; automatic billing)?
Yes, anywhere your account is stored will need to be updated. Don't forget to add your new credit card to
your device!
What happens if I forget to update the account numbers prior to 9/15/22?
The transaction will be applied on the new Account. Please update your account number anywhere it is
stored, as soon as possible, to avoid service interruption.
Payment of my credit card bill is done automatically, every month, via Auto Pay? Will this servicecontinue?
No, this service cannot automatically be converted to your new Telhio Credit Union Account with Elan.
Please be sure to send your payment prior to the payment due date, indicated on your most recent credit card
statement from Telhio Credit Union, to avoid any potential late charges. You will be receiving Auto Pay
enrollment information soon.
What payment methods are available with my new Account?
You may pay your monthly bill by:
- AutoPay, Pay Your Statement Automatically
- Pay Online, A Quick Way to Pay
- Pay by Phone, Call In Your Payment Each Month
- Pay by Mail, The Traditional Way to Pay
- Make Your Payment at the Branch
Once you receive your new credit card, you will receive more information about enrolling in these payment options.
Where do I mail my payment after the change to the new program?
Please mail your payments to the address below:
Cardmember Service
PO Box 790408
St. Louis, MO 63179-0408
What if my payment arrives after 9/15/22?
The payment will be applied to your new Account number.
My account was recently assessed an annual fee. Will I be able to obtain a refund?
Yes, we will be happy to refund the annual fee associated with your account. Contact
Cardmember Service, once you receive your new card, to request the annual
fee reversal.
What will my new rates be?
Please refer to the change in terms notification letter dated 7/27/22 that was recently sent to you.
How do I change to a different product (i.e. rewards; lower APR)?
Once you receive your new credit card in September, you may contact Cardmember Service directly by phone. The representative will discuss the specific criteria associated with a product change and may review other available offers.
If I do not accept the new terms, how do I opt out of the changes to my account?
If you choose not to accept your new terms and wish to close your current account, please notify us by 9/15/22. You may notify us by contacting our 24 hour Cardmember Service Department at 1-800-242-4271, or in writing at the following address:
Cardmember Service - Location Code 32071
P.O. 6337
Fargo, ND 58125-6337
If you elect to opt out, you should continue to pay any outstanding balance as outlined in the terms of your existing account.
Please note: Even if you have notified us that you wish to close your Account as provided in this letter, the Account may continue to receive any recurring charges that were previously set up to happen automatically for items or services until you contact and cancel delivery with the company providing the item or service.
For more details about the new terms of your account, your responsibilities using your account and our
responsibilities and obligations, please be sure to review your Cardmember Agreement as soon as you
receive it.
When will I no longer have access to my current statements online?
As of 9/16/22.
How will I be able to continue to access previous statements?
Once you receive your new credit card you may contact Cardmember Service directly, by phone, to request
copies of previous statements.
Will my rewards program change?
Yes, you will automatically be enrolled in a new Select Rewards program, with great benefits.
When will my current rewards program end?
You will no longer earn points under your current rewards program as of 8/31/22.
The last date to redeem earned points, on your current rewards program, is 10/31/22.
What will happen to my current rewards balance?
Your previous rewards point balance will appear on your new credit card Account and you will continue
earning credit card reward points.
How do I redeem my reward points?
In September you will be able to redeem your credit card reward points. You can call the Rewards
Center at 1-888-229-8864 or visit the Online Account Access website at