U.S. food prices continue to rise which means a larger portion of your paycheck is likely being spent on groceries each month. According the USDA, a family of four on a moderate food plan can expect to spend an average of $800 a month on groceries. And, recent reports suggest that this number will increase by 1-2% in 2017.
With this in mind, consider these simple strategies to leave the market with your budget in tact:
- Make a List: Shopping with a plan is a must if you want to save money. Without one, you're more likely to be tempted by store ads, bulk buys, and manager specials. Take a quick inventory of your kitchen and make your list before going to the store.
- Use Coupons: Coupon clipping is gaining popularity- with most extreme clippers saving hundreds of dollars a month! You may not be a coupon pro, but you can take advantage of shopping apps, rebates, and frequent shopper programs to save an average of 10% or more at the register.
- Bargain Beware: Avoid clever supermarket tricks that encourage impulse purchases. Discount boxes, recipe-related product placement, and "$10 for $10" bins, are all strategically placed to draw your attention to a specific (usually higher priced) product. Recognize these strategies ahead of time to keep splurges to a minimum.
- Ditch the Name Brands: Popular national products may cost more than store brands, but they aren't necessarily better. In fact, many store brands have made improvements in the quality and taste of their products. Try using a store brand in your favorite recipe. You may save more by switching!
Need more ways to save? As a Telhio member, you have access to money management tools and FREE financial counseling from our partners at GreenPath Financial Wellness. Speak with a GreenPath counselor today at 877-337-3399 or contact us for more info.